Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Podcasting in the Classroom

Subject Area

Arts Education




This article explains what a podcast is and how to make one.  It explains the different ways to use podcasts, such as informational, extension, synthesizing, and communication.  It provides information on how to record a podcast using Garageband and Audacity.  Finally, it provides several sites to share the podcast. 

    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Media Arts


    Generate various ideas, goals, and solutions for original media arts products, applying focused creative processes through divergent thinking and experimentation.

    Unpacked Content



    • Experimentation
    • Roles
    • Jobs
    • Delegation
    • Beauty
    Design process
    Stylistic conventions
    • Theme
    • Unity

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media arts ideas, works, and processes are shaped by the imagination, creative processes, and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts.
    EQ: How do media artists generate ideas? How can ideas for media arts productions be formed and developed to be effective and original?

    Skills Examples

    • List unusual ideas generated through experimenting with combining standard ideas for a media arts product. Choose one idea to develop based on identified artistic goals and justify the choice. Use improvisation develop a script/ storyboard for production.
    • In a group, apply given criteria for intent, resources, and context to critique the entire idea-to-presentation process of the group's media arts product proposal.
    • Outline a plan for a media arts product that serves as a PSA for a community organization, choosing stylistic conventions that support unity and theme.
    • Exchange copies of media arts products with a classmate. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation, modify and refine a product to purpose and audience for a different setting. Meet and explain choices in modifications.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Media Arts


    Analyze the intent and meanings of a variety of media arts productions, focusing on intentions, forms, and various contexts.

    Unpacked Content


    Essential Questions

    EU: Interpretation and appreciation require consideration of the intent, form, and context of the media and artwork.
    EQ: How do people relate to and interpret media artworks?

    Skills Examples

    • Review a series of media arts products and respond to questions concerning the relationships between components and style.
    • Review two media arts products and create a Venn Diagram to analyze their methods, forms, and styles by comparing and contrasting how each manages audience experience along with the intention of each.
    • Review a series of media arts products and create a T-Chart to compare and contrast how intentions, forms and contexts affects the meaning of each.
    • Interview a community media artist and evaluate his/her production processes using self-developed criteria and considering context and artistic goals. Record your interview in a podcast.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
    Link to Resource

    CR Resource Type

    Informational Material

    Resource Provider

    The Institute for Arts Integration and Steam

    License Type
