Observe and describe the effects of sunlight on Earth’s surface (e.g., heat from the sun causing evaporation of water or increased temperature of soil, rocks, sand, and water).
Observe and describe the effects of sunlight on Earth’s surface (e.g., heat from the sun causing evaporation of water or increased temperature of soil, rocks, sand, and water).
Unpacked Content
- Observe
- Describe
- Sunlight
- Earth
- Surface
- Evaporation
- Temperature
- Sunlight warms the Earth's surface.
- Know different patterns of relative warmth of materials in sunlight and in shade (e.g., hotter, warmer, cooler, and colder)
- Materials on the Earth's surface can be investigated (e.g., dirt, sand, water) and described.
- Investigate the effects of sunlight on Earth's surface.
- Observe the effects of sunlight on Earth's surface.
- Describe the effects of sunlight on Earth's surface.
- Sunlight causes an observable effect on the Earth's surfaces including: water, soil, rocks, sand, grass.