Demonstrate volleying a ball with an underhand and overhand technique with a partner.
Demonstrate volleying a ball with an underhand and overhand technique with a partner.
Use this self-assessment for students to reflect on their ball striking skills.
Demonstrate volleying a ball with an underhand and overhand technique with a partner.
Demonstrate striking a lightweight object with a short-handled implement, sending it forward over a low net or to a wall while demonstrating correct form.
Strike a moving object with a long-handled implement, sending it forward, while using correct form.
Demonstrate volleying a ball using a two-hand overhead and underhand technique, sending it upwards toward a target.
Demonstrate striking a lightweight object with a short-handled implement, alternating hits with a partner over a low net or against a wall.
Strike an object toward a target with accuracy at varying distances.
Demonstrate volleying a ball with a two-hand overhead and underhand technique, in a dynamic environment.
Apply the skill of striking an object consecutively using a short-handled implement in competitive or cooperative game environments.
Strike an object to a target in partner and small group activities.