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Classroom Resource

Earth's Freshwater

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Most people have heard Earth referred to as "the water planet." With that name comes the rightful image of a world with plentiful water. In photographs taken from space, we can see that our planet has more water than land. However, of all the water on Earth, more than 99 percent of Earth's water is unusable by humans and many other living things - only about 0.3 percent of our freshwater is found in the surface water of lakes, rivers, and swamps. The teacher guide describes our current understanding of water cycling and freshwater issues that affect natural and human communities.

    Science (2015) Grade(s): 5


    Identify the distribution of freshwater and salt water on Earth (e.g., oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers, ground water, polar ice caps) and construct a graphical representation depicting the amounts and percentages found in different reservoirs.

    Unpacked Content



    • Fresh water
    • Salt water
    • Oceans
    • Lakes
    • Rivers
    • Glaciers
    • Ground water
    • Polar ice caps
    • Reservoir
    • Graph


    Students know:
    • Nearly all of Earth's available water is in the ocean.
    • Most fresh water is in glaciers or underground; only a tiny fraction is in streams, lakes, wetlands, and the atmosphere.


    Students are able to:
    • Graph the given data (using standard units) about the amount of salt water and the amount of fresh water in each of the following reservoirs, as well as in all the reservoirs combined, to address a scientific question:
      • Oceans.
      • Lakes.
      • Rivers.
      • Glaciers.
      • Ground water.
      • Polar ice caps.
    • Use the graphs of the relative amounts of total salt water and total fresh water in each of the reservoirs to describe that:
      • The majority of water on Earth is found in the oceans.
      • Most of the Earth's fresh water is stored in glaciers or underground.
      • A small fraction of fresh water is found in lakes, rivers, wetlands, and the atmosphere.


    Students understand that:
    • Standard units are used to measure and describe physical quantities such as the amounts of salt water and fresh water in various reservoirs.

    Scientific and Engineering Practices

    Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

    Crosscutting Concepts

    Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
    Link to Resource

    CR Resource Type

    Lesson/Unit Plan

    Resource Provider

    National Geographic

    License Type
