Describe the interrelationship between social and emotional health in adolescence.
Describe the interrelationship between social and emotional health in adolescence.
A researcher and psychotherapist explains how trauma affects children and teens and describes what can be done to help. Ginny Sprang, Ph.D., executive director of the Center on Trauma and Children at the University of Kentucky, explains how psychiatrists define trauma. Trauma can include direct exposure to physical or sexual harm, witnessing such harm, learning about a life-altering event such as a parent’s death, or repeated exposure to details of a traumatic event.
Describe the interrelationship between social and emotional health in adolescence.
Describe situations that can help or hinder making a healthy decision.
Determine barriers to practicing healthy behaviors.
Distinguish when a self-decision should be made or if help should be sought from a responsible adult.
Explain how emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, mental, and social health affect each other.