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Teacher Talk

Dr. Jennifer "JiJi" Davis

    The school year is now underway.  Expectations have been established, routines have been practiced and student/teacher relationships are blossoming. You are now fully aware of the students in your classroom who need minimal redirection and also the few students who need daily redirection. Your class has progressed greatly since the first day of school. Meaningful learning is taking place, and your classroom is starting to truly feel like a family. This is a great time to implement classroom management strategies that will help motivate your students and encourage them to work together as a team.


2023 Science Course of Study Supporting Documents

In partnership with AMSTI, we are excited to share the completed unpacked content and crosswalk alignments for the 2023 Science Course of Study!
2023 Science COS Unpacked Content

We encourage you to review the 2023 Science Course of Study Unpacked Content Draft, available for public review and comment here. We welcome your thoughts, suggestions, and critiques on any aspect of the document.

Your feedback can be submitted via this form. The feedback period will be open from Thursday, August 1, 2024, to Saturday, August 31, 2024, during which time we will carefully consider all submissions received. Following the review process, the unpacked content will be finalized and uploaded to our ALEX sites!

2023 Science Crosswalk Alignments

This crosswalks document shows the alignment between the 2023 Alabama Course of Study: Science and the 2015 Alabama Course of Study: Science. Educators can use this document to transition from the previous standards to the 2023 standards, which must be implemented in the 2025-2026 school year. Click this link to review the crosswalks: https://bit.ly/Sci23Crosswalks.

The unpacked content and crosswalk alignments can also be viewed on the AlabamaStandards.org platform

ALEX Learning Resource Templates

While our ALEX Personal Workspace is under construction, you still can access all of the ALEX Learning Resource templates! With the handy self-check feature, you'll be able to evaluate your work as you complete each component to ensure you are planning a high-quality learning experience for your students. Simply click the article title above to access the ALEX Learning Resource templates.

Click each of the links below to make a copy in your personal Drive:

If you need any additional assistance locating ALEX Learning Resources or guidance on instructional planning, please reach out to the ALEX Team!