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Teacher Talk

Dr. Jennifer "JiJi" Davis

    The school year is now underway.  Expectations have been established, routines have been practiced and student/teacher relationships are blossoming. You are now fully aware of the students in your classroom who need minimal redirection and also the few students who need daily redirection. Your class has progressed greatly since the first day of school. Meaningful learning is taking place, and your classroom is starting to truly feel like a family. This is a great time to implement classroom management strategies that will help motivate your students and encourage them to work together as a team.


🎉 Big News!🎉

The ALEX site has been redesigned and moved to a new home at! Explore the updated site for all your learning resources.

🛑 Reminder: This site will no longer be available after January 31, 2025. Update your bookmarks now and join us on our new journey!

ACAP & ACT Resources

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School Improvement Alabama

Are you ready for testing season? This site from the Alabama State Department of Education's Office of School Improvement provides a collection of resources you'll need to get prepared for the ACAP and the ACT!

The site has a variety of data, including...

  • Previous ACAP data
  • ACAP Summative Resources (blueprints, instructional supports, retired questions, item specs, and performance level descriptors [PLDs])
  • ACAP Summative Resources for math and science
  • ACAP Summative Resources for ELA (including reading, writing, listening, and text-dependent writing)
  • Alabama ACT PLDs for ELA, math, and science
  • ACT Assessment Standards by content area and alignment with state standards
  • ACT Knowledge and Skills Map
  • Testing Practice and Simulations for the ACAP Summative and ACT
  • Professional Learning Opportunities for the ACAP Summative and ACT

You'll also find contact information for your region's OSI Team member! Click here to learn more about the ALSDE's OSI and available resources.