
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 1 - Theatre


Collaborate on the creation of a short scene based on a fictional literary source in a guided drama experience.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work.
EQ: In what ways can research into theatre histories, theories, literature, and performances alter the way a drama process or production is understood?

Skills Examples

  • Identify a character's emotions in a dramatic/ theatrical work (e.g., excitement by bouncing in a seat, anger in slamming a door or yelling, etc.).
  • Make connections between oneself and the character's emotions in a dramatic/ theatrical work (e.g., being able to connect the work to a personal memory or being able to explain how the student might respond similarly or differently in a similar situation in the student's own life).
  • Design backgrounds and costumes for a chosen artistic work using techniques that have been gained from art class.
  • View a theatrical work from another culture (such as kabuki theatre from Japan).
  • Read or familiarize oneself with a story from one's own community.
  • Read or familiarize oneself with a fairytale such as "Rapunzel."
  • Collaborate on the creation of a short scene from the fairytale.


  • emotion
    • Directing
      Theatrical production

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.