

  • Right rectangular prism
  • V = b h (Volume of a right rectangular prism = the area of the base x the height)


Students know:
  • Measurable attributes of objects, specifically volume.
  • Units of measurement, specifically unit cubes.
  • Relationships between unit cubes and corresponding cubes with unit fraction edge lengths.
  • Strategies for determining volume.
  • Strategies for finding products of fractions.


Students are able to:
  • Communicate the relationships between rectangular models of volume and multiplication problems.
  • Model the volume of rectangles using manipulatives.
  • Accurately measure volume using cubes with unit fraction edge lengths.
  • Strategically and fluently choose and apply strategies for finding products of fractions.
  • Accurately compute products of fractions.


Students understand that:
  • The volume of a solid object is measured by the number of same-size cubes that exactly fill the interior space of the object.
  • Generalized formulas for determining area and volume of shapes can be applied regardless of the level of accuracy of the shape's measurements (in this case, side lengths).