Unpacked Content
Essential Questions
EU: Musicians connect their personal interests, experiences, ideas, and knowledge to creating, performing, and responding.
EQ: How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating, performing, and responding?
EQ: How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating, performing, and responding?
Skills Examples
- Perform music from a variety of sources that relates to the performer's interest and knowledge base.
- Compare and contrast how performance is different in various Arts disciplines (e.g., Theatre, Visual Arts, Dance, Media Arts).
- Compare and contrast, with guidance, how context influences performance in multiple Arts disciplines.
- Examine, with guidance, how performance and creation are related.
- Examine, with guidance, how creators in music and other disciplines use knowledge, interests, and personal choices.
- Compare and contrast, with guidance, how creators in different Arts disciplines express intent in their works.
- Examine, with guidance, how the creation process is similar and different in Arts disciplines and field outside of the Arts.
- Examine, with guidance, how originality and craftsmanship are used in music and other disciplines.
- Compare and contrast, with guidance, how the creation process in music relates to the creation process in other Arts.
- Compare and contrast, with guidance, how expressive qualities are used in different Arts.
- Interview peers about their musical choices and compare to your personal musical choices.
- Identify how music is used in various situations, places, and times (e.g., Funerals, Birthdays, Veteran's Day, Classical Period, Civil War).
- Examine, with guidance, how major historical (national & world) events influence music (e.g., World War II, Civil Rights Movement, Russian Revolution, etc.).
- Identify, with guidance, how music study can lead to careers in music and other fields.
- Phrase
- Notation (standard, invented, or technological)
- Phrase
- Notation (standard, invented, or technological)
- Phrase
- Accompaniment
- Progression
- Binary form (AB)
- Ternary form (ABA)
- Style
- Genre
- Structure (melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic)
- Tempo
- Dynamics
- Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquettes
Anchor Standards
Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.