Show the consequences of enterprise systems on organizational agility.
Show the consequences of enterprise systems on organizational agility.
Show the consequences of enterprise systems on organizational agility.
Information Technology
Describe Information Technology (IT).
Give examples of IT’s potential uses in future systems and the issues that may be incurred during its use.
Describe the nature of information technology and its technical maturity.
Compare how IT is used in the government and the private sector.
Give examples of how IT can be used for strategic issues.
Research and report information on the future trends in information technology systems and describe their potential impact on society.
Examples: global, social, personal, mobile devices, wearable, collaborative, printable Information Systems
Describe Information Systems (IS), including components and their maturity.
Describe a Strategic Information System.
List examples of key operational Information Systems.
Describe how support systems affect both operational and strategic Information Systems.
Describe different kinds of Information Management organizations.
Example: internal, external, IS/IT environments
Describe components of internal and external IS/IT environments.
Develop plans for an organization using the components of a well-defined Information Management environment.
Describe different strategies used in Information Management.
Discuss the importance of the Information Systems strategy and the consequences of a lack of strategy.
Define and illustrate the strategic processes used in Information Management.
Describe the differences between Information Systems and Information Technology strategies.
Diagram the strategic alignment model (also referred to as the DIKAR [Data, Information, Knowledge, Action, and Result] model), and show how the layers influence attitudes toward Information Management.
Business Processes
Identify components and processes of managing business information and give examples of effective application of the processes.
Identify business processes used in Information Management in state and national governments.
Define and give examples of recent radical process redesign in businesses’ Information Management.
Show examples of the depth and scope of problems resulting from change in business processes in Information Management.
Portfolio Information
Discuss two discriminating factors that allow a business to construct an alternative portfolio for information.
Examples: project portfolio, legacy portfolio, common service portfolio
Explain the difference between “availability of information†and “nature of the information.â€
Construct a matrix showing each stage or quadrant of the information portfolio, consisting of huge volumes of unstructured data.
Describe the methods, techniques, and tools used for business and systems analysis and how the business analysis relates to the Information Portfolio.
Information Management Benefits
Outline each of the four stages of the benefits management cycle.
Example: Stage 1: Identify and structure benefits, Stage 2: Plan benefits realization, Stage 3: Execute benefits delivery plan, Stage 4: Review, evaluate, and exploit