Integrate varied art forms, media arts forms, and diverse content into unified media arts productions, considering the reaction and interaction of the audience.
Examples: Experiential design or brand engagement.
Demonstrate progression in artistic, design, technical, and career skills, as a result of selecting and fulfilling specified roles in the production of a variety of media arts productions.
Develop and refine a determined range of creative and design abilities, including design thinking and risk taking, in addressing identified challenges and constraints within and through media arts productions.
Demonstrate adaptation and innovation through the combination of tools, techniques, and content, in standard and innovative ways, to communicate intent in the production of media arts productions.
Design the presentation and distribution of a variety of media arts productions, considering combinations of artworks, formats, and audiences.
Evaluate and implement improvements in presenting media arts productions, considering personal and local impacts, including effects on self and others.
Analyze the qualities of and relationships among the components, style, and preferences communicated by media artists.
Analyze how a variety of media arts productions manage audience experience and create intention through multimodal perception.
Analyze the intent, meanings, and reception of a variety of media arts productions, focusing on personal and cultural contexts.
Evaluate production processes and media arts productions at decisive stages, using identified criteria and considering context and artistic goals.
Access, evaluate, and integrate personal and external resources, including experiences, interests, and cultural experiences, to inform the creation of original media arts productions.
Explain and demonstrate the use of media arts productions to expand meaning and knowledge and to create cultural experiences.
Example: learning and sharing through online environments
Demonstrate and explain how media arts productions and ideas relate to various contexts, purposes, and values, including social trends, power, equality, and personal/cultural identity.
Critically evaluate and effectively interact with legal, technological, systemic and vocational contexts of media arts, considering ethics, media literacy, social media, virtual worlds and digital identity.
Strategically use varied methods to formulate multiple ideas, refine artistic goals, and increase the originality of approaches in media arts creation processes.
Collaboratively apply a personal aesthetic in designing, testing, and refining original artistic ideas, prototypes, and production strategies for media arts productions, considering artistic intentions, constraints of resources, and presentation context.
Consolidate production processes to demonstrate deliberate choices in organizing and connecting content and stylistic conventions in media arts production, demonstrating understanding of associated principles.
Example: Utilize continuity and juxtaposition.
Refine and elaborate aesthetic elements and technical components to intentionally form relevant expressions in media artworks for specific contexts, intentions, and audiences.