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Integrate varied art forms, media arts forms, and diverse content into unified media arts productions, considering the reaction and interaction of the audience.

COS Examples

Examples: Experiential design or brand engagement.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists integrate various forms and contents to develop complex, unified artworks.
EQ: How are complex media arts experiences constructed?

Skills Examples

  • Create a series of five media arts products connected by theme and style but using varied art forms and techniques to address recent events from the school calendar of events. Submit the series for teacher and peer review.
  • Conceptualize an original idea for a series of five media arts product and hold interviews of classmates to "hire" for needed positions. Complete the project and provide "performance reviews" to your "staff" once the series has been presented to an audience.
  • Create an original media arts series that use a combination of tools, styles, and techniques in a unique way that interact in a unified theme to serve a single purpose and message and meet personal expressive goals.
  • Select, organize, and present a collection of media artworks to educate the school's PTA about the history of media arts.
  • Attend and evaluate classmates' curations of a collection of media artworks. In the spirit of experimentation and growth, implement changes that improve the presentations.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.


Demonstrate progression in artistic, design, technical, and career skills, as a result of selecting and fulfilling specified roles in the production of a variety of media arts productions.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

Skills Examples

  • Create a series of five media arts products connected by theme and style but using varied art forms and techniques to address recent events from the school calendar of events. Submit the series for teacher and peer review.
  • Conceptualize an original idea for a series of five media arts product and hold interviews of classmates to "hire" for needed positions. Complete the project and provide "performance reviews" to your "staff" once the series has been presented to an audience.
  • Create an original media arts series that use a combination of tools, styles, and techniques in a unique way that interact in a unified theme to serve a single purpose and message and meet personal expressive goals.
  • Select, organize, and present a collection of media artworks to educate the school's PTA about the history of media arts.
  • Attend and evaluate classmates' curations of a collection of media artworks. In the spirit of experimentation and growth, implement changes that improve the presentations.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.


Develop and refine a determined range of creative and design abilities, including design thinking and risk taking, in addressing identified challenges and constraints within and through media arts productions.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

Skills Examples

  • Create a series of five media arts products connected by theme and style but using varied art forms and techniques to address recent events from the school calendar of events. Submit the series for teacher and peer review.
  • Conceptualize an original idea for a series of five media arts product and hold interviews of classmates to "hire" for needed positions. Complete the project and provide "performance reviews" to your "staff" once the series has been presented to an audience.
  • Create an original media arts series that use a combination of tools, styles, and techniques in a unique way that interact in a unified theme to serve a single purpose and message and meet personal expressive goals.
  • Select, organize, and present a collection of media artworks to educate the school's PTA about the history of media arts.
  • Attend and evaluate classmates' curations of a collection of media artworks. In the spirit of experimentation and growth, implement changes that improve the presentations.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.


Demonstrate adaptation and innovation through the combination of tools, techniques, and content, in standard and innovative ways, to communicate intent in the production of media arts productions.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

Skills Examples

  • Create a series of five media arts products connected by theme and style but using varied art forms and techniques to address recent events from the school calendar of events. Submit the series for teacher and peer review.
  • Conceptualize an original idea for a series of five media arts product and hold interviews of classmates to "hire" for needed positions. Complete the project and provide "performance reviews" to your "staff" once the series has been presented to an audience.
  • Create an original media arts series that use a combination of tools, styles, and techniques in a unique way that interact in a unified theme to serve a single purpose and message and meet personal expressive goals.
  • Select, organize, and present a collection of media artworks to educate the school's PTA about the history of media arts.
  • Attend and evaluate classmates' curations of a collection of media artworks. In the spirit of experimentation and growth, implement changes that improve the presentations.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.


Design the presentation and distribution of a variety of media arts productions, considering combinations of artworks, formats, and audiences.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists purposefully present, share, and distribute media artworks for various contexts.
EQ: How does time, place, audience, and context affect presenting or performing choices for media artworks? How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help a media artist learn and grow?

Skills Examples

  • Create a series of five media arts products connected by theme and style but using varied art forms and techniques to address recent events from the school calendar of events. Submit the series for teacher and peer review.
  • Conceptualize an original idea for a series of five media arts product and hold interviews of classmates to "hire" for needed positions. Complete the project and provide "performance reviews" to your "staff" once the series has been presented to an audience.
  • Create an original media arts series that use a combination of tools, styles, and techniques in a unique way that interact in a unified theme to serve a single purpose and message and meet personal expressive goals.
  • Select, organize, and present a collection of media artworks to educate the school's PTA about the history of media arts.
  • Attend and evaluate classmates' curations of a collection of media artworks. In the spirit of experimentation and growth, implement changes that improve the presentations.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.


Evaluate and implement improvements in presenting media arts productions, considering personal and local impacts, including effects on self and others.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists purposefully present, share, and distribute media artworks for various contexts.
EQ: How does time, place, audience, and context affect presenting or performing choices for media artworks? How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help a media artist learn and grow?

Skills Examples

  • Create a series of five media arts products connected by theme and style but using varied art forms and techniques to address recent events from the school calendar of events. Submit the series for teacher and peer review.
  • Conceptualize an original idea for a series of five media arts product and hold interviews of classmates to "hire" for needed positions. Complete the project and provide "performance reviews" to your "staff" once the series has been presented to an audience.
  • Create an original media arts series that use a combination of tools, styles, and techniques in a unique way that interact in a unified theme to serve a single purpose and message and meet personal expressive goals.
  • Select, organize, and present a collection of media artworks to educate the school's PTA about the history of media arts.
  • Attend and evaluate classmates' curations of a collection of media artworks. In the spirit of experimentation and growth, implement changes that improve the presentations.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.


Analyze the qualities of and relationships among the components, style, and preferences communicated by media artists.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media artworks improves one's artistic appreciation and production.
EQ: How do we 'read' media artworks and discern their relational components? How do media artworks function to convey meaning and manage audience experiences?

Skills Examples

  • Review a series of media arts products used to teach history and write a critique of the qualities and relationships between the components and style in accordance to one's preferences.
  • Review a series of media arts products and write a critique of how the productions manage audience experience and create intention through multimodal perception.
  • Review a series of media arts products and write a critique of how the productions communicate intent and meaning for both personal context and cultural context.
  • Interview a community media artist and evaluate his/her production processes using teacher-provided criteria and considering artistic goals.



Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.


Analyze how a variety of media arts productions manage audience experience and create intention through multimodal perception.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media artworks improves one's artistic appreciation and production.
EQ: How do we 'read' media artworks and discern their relational components? How do media artworks function to convey meaning and manage audience experiences?

Skills Examples

  • Review a series of media arts products used to teach history and write a critique of the qualities and relationships between the components and style in accordance to one's preferences.
  • Review a series of media arts products and write a critique of how the productions manage audience experience and create intention through multimodal perception.
  • Review a series of media arts products and write a critique of how the productions communicate intent and meaning for both personal context and cultural context.
  • Interview a community media artist and evaluate his/her production processes using teacher-provided criteria and considering artistic goals.



Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.


Analyze the intent, meanings, and reception of a variety of media arts productions, focusing on personal and cultural contexts.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Interpretation and appreciation require consideration of the intent, form, and context of the media and artwork.
EQ: How do people relate to and interpret media artworks?

Skills Examples

  • Review a series of media arts products used to teach history and write a critique of the qualities and relationships between the components and style in accordance to one's preferences.
  • Review a series of media arts products and write a critique of how the productions manage audience experience and create intention through multimodal perception.
  • Review a series of media arts products and write a critique of how the productions communicate intent and meaning for both personal context and cultural context.
  • Interview a community media artist and evaluate his/her production processes using teacher-provided criteria and considering artistic goals.



Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.


Evaluate production processes and media arts productions at decisive stages, using identified criteria and considering context and artistic goals.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Skillful evaluation and critique are critical components of experiencing, appreciating, and producing media artworks.
EQ: How and why do media artists value and judge media artworks? When and how should we evaluate and critique media artworks to improve them?

Skills Examples

  • Review a series of media arts products used to teach history and write a critique of the qualities and relationships between the components and style in accordance to one's preferences.
  • Review a series of media arts products and write a critique of how the productions manage audience experience and create intention through multimodal perception.
  • Review a series of media arts products and write a critique of how the productions communicate intent and meaning for both personal context and cultural context.
  • Interview a community media artist and evaluate his/her production processes using teacher-provided criteria and considering artistic goals.



Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.


Access, evaluate, and integrate personal and external resources, including experiences, interests, and cultural experiences, to inform the creation of original media arts productions.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

Skills Examples

  • Research for a media arts project by reflecting, interviewing family and friends, and reading scholarly sources and create an annotated bibliography that includes an evaluation of the sources.
  • Create an annotated bibliography of media arts products that inform an audience about various cultural values and perspectives. Choose one and share with the class, demonstrating the effective presentation of a single point of view.
  • Create an annotated bibliography of media arts products that inform an audience about the cause and effect of a current social trend. Choose one product and share with the class, demonstrating the trend's effect on cultural identity.
  • Research the legal, technological, systemic, and vocational implication of music sampling in the music industry and create a media arts project that evaluates the court decisions regarding sampling and the effects on media artworks and artists.


  • Internal
  • External
  • Inform
  • Synthesize
  • Integrate
  • Legal
  • Technological
  • Systemic
  • Vocational
  • Purpose
  • Meaning
  • Values
  • Trends
  • Power
  • Equality
  • Identity
  • Personal
  • Social
  • Cultural
  • Critical eye
    • Vet

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.


Explain and demonstrate the use of media arts productions to expand meaning and knowledge and to create cultural experiences.

COS Examples

Example: learning and sharing through online environments

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

Skills Examples

  • Research for a media arts project by reflecting, interviewing family and friends, and reading scholarly sources and create an annotated bibliography that includes an evaluation of the sources.
  • Create an annotated bibliography of media arts products that inform an audience about various cultural values and perspectives. Choose one and share with the class, demonstrating the effective presentation of a single point of view.
  • Create an annotated bibliography of media arts products that inform an audience about the cause and effect of a current social trend. Choose one product and share with the class, demonstrating the trend's effect on cultural identity.
  • Research the legal, technological, systemic, and vocational implication of music sampling in the music industry and create a media arts project that evaluates the court decisions regarding sampling and the effects on media artworks and artists.


  • Internal
  • External
  • Inform
  • Synthesize
  • Integrate
  • Legal
  • Technological
  • Systemic
  • Vocational
  • Purpose
  • Meaning
  • Values
  • Trends
  • Power
  • Equality
  • Identity
  • Personal
  • Social
  • Cultural
  • Critical eye
    • Vet

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.


Demonstrate and explain how media arts productions and ideas relate to various contexts, purposes, and values, including social trends, power, equality, and personal/cultural identity.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks and ideas are better understood and produced by relating them to their purposes, values, and various contexts.
EQ: How does media arts relate to its various contexts, purposes, and values? How does investigating these relationships inform and deepen the media artist's understanding and work?

Skills Examples

  • Research for a media arts project by reflecting, interviewing family and friends, and reading scholarly sources and create an annotated bibliography that includes an evaluation of the sources.
  • Create an annotated bibliography of media arts products that inform an audience about various cultural values and perspectives. Choose one and share with the class, demonstrating the effective presentation of a single point of view.
  • Create an annotated bibliography of media arts products that inform an audience about the cause and effect of a current social trend. Choose one product and share with the class, demonstrating the trend's effect on cultural identity.
  • Research the legal, technological, systemic, and vocational implication of music sampling in the music industry and create a media arts project that evaluates the court decisions regarding sampling and the effects on media artworks and artists.


  • Internal
  • External
  • Inform
  • Synthesize
  • Integrate
  • Legal
  • Technological
  • Systemic
  • Vocational
  • Purpose
  • Meaning
  • Values
  • Trends
  • Power
  • Equality
  • Identity
  • Personal
  • Social
  • Cultural
  • Critical eye
    • Vet

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.


Critically evaluate and effectively interact with legal, technological, systemic and vocational contexts of media arts, considering ethics, media literacy, social media, virtual worlds and digital identity.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks and ideas are better understood and produced by relating them to their purposes, values, and various contexts.
EQ: How does media arts relate to its various contexts, purposes, and values? How does investigating these relationships inform and deepen the media artist's understanding and work?

Skills Examples

  • Research for a media arts project by reflecting, interviewing family and friends, and reading scholarly sources and create an annotated bibliography that includes an evaluation of the sources.
  • Create an annotated bibliography of media arts products that inform an audience about various cultural values and perspectives. Choose one and share with the class, demonstrating the effective presentation of a single point of view.
  • Create an annotated bibliography of media arts products that inform an audience about the cause and effect of a current social trend. Choose one product and share with the class, demonstrating the trend's effect on cultural identity.
  • Research the legal, technological, systemic, and vocational implication of music sampling in the music industry and create a media arts project that evaluates the court decisions regarding sampling and the effects on media artworks and artists.


  • Internal
  • External
  • Inform
  • Synthesize
  • Integrate
  • Legal
  • Technological
  • Systemic
  • Vocational
  • Purpose
  • Meaning
  • Values
  • Trends
  • Power
  • Equality
  • Identity
  • Personal
  • Social
  • Cultural
  • Critical eye
    • Vet

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.


Strategically use varied methods to formulate multiple ideas, refine artistic goals, and increase the originality of approaches in media arts creation processes.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media arts ideas, works, and processes are shaped by the imagination, creative processes, and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts.
EQ: How do media artists generate ideas? How can ideas for media arts productions be formed and developed to be effective and original?

Skills Examples

  • Use productive thinking and divergent thinking to choose varied methods to produce one media arts product based on identified artistic goals. Choose the most original method and justify the choice.
  • In a group, collaboratively apply agreed upon aesthetic criteria to design and test an original artistic idea for a no-cost media arts product to present for the PTA regarding student voice.
  • Using at least two art forms, outline a plan for a media arts product that serves as a commercial for a school event, choosing stylistic conventions that support the two art forms and the product's purpose.
  • Exchange copies of media arts products with a classmate. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation, modify and refine a product to use different technical components. Meet and explain choices in modifications.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.


Collaboratively apply a personal aesthetic in designing, testing, and refining original artistic ideas, prototypes, and production strategies for media arts productions, considering artistic intentions, constraints of resources, and presentation context.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists plan, organize, and develop creative ideas, plans, and models into process structures that can effectively realize the artistic idea.
EQ: How do media artists organize and develop ideas and models into process structures to achieve the desired end product?

Skills Examples

  • Use productive thinking and divergent thinking to choose varied methods to produce one media arts product based on identified artistic goals. Choose the most original method and justify the choice.
  • In a group, collaboratively apply agreed upon aesthetic criteria to design and test an original artistic idea for a no-cost media arts product to present for the PTA regarding student voice.
  • Using at least two art forms, outline a plan for a media arts product that serves as a commercial for a school event, choosing stylistic conventions that support the two art forms and the product's purpose.
  • Exchange copies of media arts products with a classmate. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation, modify and refine a product to use different technical components. Meet and explain choices in modifications.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.


Consolidate production processes to demonstrate deliberate choices in organizing and connecting content and stylistic conventions in media arts production, demonstrating understanding of associated principles.

COS Examples

Example: Utilize continuity and juxtaposition.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: The forming, integration, and refinement of aesthetic components, principles and processes creates purpose, meaning and artistic quality in media artwork.
EQ: What is required to produce a media artwork that conveys purpose, meaning, and artistic quality? How do media artists improve/refine their work?

Skills Examples

  • Use productive thinking and divergent thinking to choose varied methods to produce one media arts product based on identified artistic goals. Choose the most original method and justify the choice.
  • In a group, collaboratively apply agreed upon aesthetic criteria to design and test an original artistic idea for a no-cost media arts product to present for the PTA regarding student voice.
  • Using at least two art forms, outline a plan for a media arts product that serves as a commercial for a school event, choosing stylistic conventions that support the two art forms and the product's purpose.
  • Exchange copies of media arts products with a classmate. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation, modify and refine a product to use different technical components. Meet and explain choices in modifications.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.


Refine and elaborate aesthetic elements and technical components to intentionally form relevant expressions in media artworks for specific contexts, intentions, and audiences.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: The forming, integration, and refinement of aesthetic components, principles and processes creates purpose, meaning and artistic quality in media artwork.
EQ: What is required to produce a media artwork that conveys purpose, meaning, and artistic quality? How do media artists improve/refine their work?

Skills Examples

  • Use productive thinking and divergent thinking to choose varied methods to produce one media arts product based on identified artistic goals. Choose the most original method and justify the choice.
  • In a group, collaboratively apply agreed upon aesthetic criteria to design and test an original artistic idea for a no-cost media arts product to present for the PTA regarding student voice.
  • Using at least two art forms, outline a plan for a media arts product that serves as a commercial for a school event, choosing stylistic conventions that support the two art forms and the product's purpose.
  • Exchange copies of media arts products with a classmate. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation, modify and refine a product to use different technical components. Meet and explain choices in modifications.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.