Independently improve and refine media artworks by intentionally emphasizing particular expressive elements to reflect an understanding of purpose, audience, or place.
COS Examples
Example: Take clips of 3D animated film and change colors and position of characters to change audience response.
Independently improve and refine media artworks by intentionally emphasizing particular expressive elements to reflect an understanding of purpose, audience, or place.
COS Examples
Example: Take clips of 3D animated film and change colors and position of characters to change audience response.
Unpacked Content
Essential Questions
EQ: What is required to produce a media artwork that conveys purpose, meaning, and artistic quality? How do media artists improve/refine their work?
Skills Examples
- List various ideas generated through experimenting with combining standard ideas for a media arts product. Choose one idea to develop based on identified artistic goals and justify the choice. Use modeling and prototyping to share the idea with the class.
- In a group, apply self-developed criteria for intent, resources, and context to critique the entire idea to presentation process of the group's media arts product proposal.
- Storyboard a plan for a media arts product that serves as a PSA for a community organization, choosing stylistic conventions that support the narrative.
- Exchange copies of media arts products with a classmate. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation, modify and refine a product by emphasizing specific expressive elements.