3.7 Physical Activity and Fitness: Engagement in physical activity
3.7 Physical Activity and Fitness: Engagement in physical activity
3.7 Physical Activity and Fitness: Engagement in physical activity
Explain the role of warm-ups and cool-downs before and after physical activity and show correct techniques and methods of stretching.
Examples: dynamic and static stretching
APE accommodation suggestions: Provide information in alternate formats (words or pictures); provide instruction that allows for different learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic); use visual aids, prompts, and cues.
3.8 Physical Activity and Fitness: Fitness knowledge
Recall each component of the FITT formula (frequency, intensity, time, type) for physical fitness.
APE accommodation suggestions: Provide information in alternate formats (words or pictures); provide instruction that allows for different learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic); use visual aids, prompts, and cues.
3.9 Physical Activity and Fitness: Fitness knowledge
Define resting heart rate and describe its relationship to moderate and vigorous activity.
APE accommodation suggestions: Provide information in alternate formats (words or pictures); provide instruction that allows for different learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic); use visual aids, prompts, and cues.
3.10 Physical Activity and Fitness: Fitness knowledge
Identify and locate major muscles used in selected physical activities.
APE accommodation suggestions: Provide information in alternate formats (words or pictures); provide instruction that allows for different learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic); use visual aids, prompts, and cues.
3.11 Physical Activity and Fitness: Assessment and program planning
Identify a variety of ways to track fitness and nutrition.
Examples: apps, spreadsheets, journals
APE accommodation suggestions: Provide information in alternate formats (words or pictures); provide instruction that allows for different learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic); use visual aids, prompts, and cues.
Anchor Standard 4: Personal and Social Behavior: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
4.1 Personal and Social Behavior: Personal responsibility
Display personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette, demonstrating respect for facilities, and exhibiting safe behaviors.
APE accommodation suggestions: Verbal prompting and redirecting; peer assistance to model proper personal and social behaviors
4.2 Personal and Social Behavior: Personal responsibility
Identify and use appropriate strategies to self-evaluate positive behaviors.
Examples: positive self-talk, I can“ statements“
APE accommodation suggestions: Verbal prompting and redirecting, peer assistance to model proper personal and social behaviors
4.3 Personal and Social Behavior: Accepting feedback
Develop personal responsibility by accepting feedback to improve performance.
APE accommodation suggestions: Verbal prompting and redirecting, peer assistance to model proper personal and social behaviors
4.4 Personal and Social Behavior: Working with others
Accept differences among classmates by providing encouragement and positive feedback.
Example: physical development, maturation, varying skill levels
APE accommodation suggestions: Verbal prompting and redirecting, peer assistance to model proper personal and social behaviors
4.5 Personal and Social Behavior: Working with others
Cooperate with a small group of classmates during a variety of physical activities.
APE accommodation suggestions: Verbal prompting and redirecting, peer assistance to model proper personal and social behaviors
4.6 Personal and Social Behavior: Rules and etiquette
Identify the rules and etiquette for a variety of physical activities, fitness exercises, and games.
APE accommodation suggestions: Verbal prompting and redirecting, peer assistance to model proper personal and social behaviors
4.7 Personal and Social Behavior: Safety