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Transition weight from various bases of support by:

  • Transferring weight from feet to different body parts while maintaining balance.

  • Rolling in different directions with both a narrow and curled body shape.


APE accommodation suggestions: Provide a variety of sizes, shapes, textures, and inflation levels of objects to make throwing more successful; use ball launchers


APE accommodation suggestions: Decrease distance ball is tossed, rolled, or bounced; provide students the opportunity to catch an object using a bucket or basket. Good objects to use for catching: stuffed animal, beach ball, scarf, deflated ball, foam ball, fleece ball, balloon (be aware of latex allergies)


APE accommodation suggestions: Lightweight object could include larger and/or more colorful object/ball or object of contrasting colors: suspended tether ball


APE accommodation suggestions: Lightweight object could include larger and/or more colorful object/ball or object of contrasting colors: suspended tether ball


APE accommodation suggestions: Use longer or shorter implements for student success in controlling the implement; hand over hand assistance


Anchor Standard 2: Movement and performance: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.