Standards - Science


Evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively the relationship between the force acting on an object, the time of interaction, and the change in momentum using the impulse-momentum theorem.

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Crosscutting Concepts

Cause and Effect


Students know:
  • How to use mathematical computations to solve for unknown variables in the impulse momentum theorem.
  • How to interpret area under a curve of a graph.
  • How to solve for kinematics variables using mathematical computations.
  • Appropriate units of measure.
  • How to identify the system.


Students are able to:
  • Manipulate equations.
  • Interpret graphical data.
  • Follow written and verbal instructions.
  • Draw force diagrams.
  • Identify the forces acting on an object.
  • Solve mathematical equations.


Students understand that:
  • The same change in momentum can be caused by different force—time combinations.


  • model
  • graph
  • position
  • velocity
  • acceleration
  • displacement
  • distance
  • speed
  • instant
  • interval
  • kinematic equations
  • analyze
  • slope
  • area under curve
  • intercepts
  • vector
  • scalar
  • coordinates
  • origin
  • magnitude
  • units of measure
  • significant figures
  • friction
  • free-body diagram
  • force diagram
  • net force
  • inertia
  • action-reaction
  • proportional
  • force
  • mass
  • system
  • momentum
  • impulse
  • peak
  • trough


Identify and analyze forces responsible for changes in rotational motion and develop an understanding of the effect of rotational inertia on the motion of a rotating object (e.g., merry-go-round, spinning toy, spinning figure skater, stellar collapse [supernova], rapidly spinning pulsar).

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models


Students know:
  • How to identify the system.
  • Apply Newton's Second Law of Motion.
  • What rotational inertia is and how it affects the motion of a rotating object.


Students are able to:
  • Draw rigid body diagrams.
  • Solve for net force.
  • Extrapolate their understanding of a physical illustration of a phenomenon (e.g., spinning figure skater, merry-go-round) to an intangible example of the same phenomenon (e.g., rapidly spinning pulsar, supernova).
  • Follow written and verbal instructions.


Students understand that:
  • Objects in rotational motion experience varied changes in motion depending upon their rotational inertia and the net force acting upon them.


  • angular position
  • rotational inertia
  • center of gravity
  • model
  • graph
  • force
  • rotational motion
  • circular motion
  • torque
  • lever arm
  • angle
  • radian
  • circumference
  • diameter
  • radius
  • arc
  • angular momentum
  • angular velocity
  • angular acceleration
  • angle of rotation
  • distance
  • perpendicular
  • system
  • clockwise
  • counterclockwise
  • equilibrium
  • translational equilibrium
  • rotational equilibrium
  • axis of rotation
  • center of mass
  • Newton's laws
  • tangential
  • moment of inertia
  • free body diagram


Construct models that illustrate how energy is related to work performed on or by an object and explain how different forms of energy are transformed from one form to another (e.g., distinguishing between kinetic, potential, and other forms of energy such as thermal and sound; applying both the work-energy theorem and the law of conservation of energy to systems such as roller coasters, falling objects, and spring-mass systems; discussing the effect of frictional forces on energy conservation and how it affects the motion of an object).

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Developing and Using Models

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models


Students know:
  • The different forms of energy.
  • How to recognize work being done.
  • The law of conservation of energy.


Students are able to:
  • Construct models to illustrate phenomena.
  • Recognize different forms of energy.
  • Apply the law of conservation of energy to a system.
  • Graph data.
  • Determine the area under a curve on a graph.


Students understand that:
  • Energy is the ability to do work and energy can be transformed into different forms of energy while obeying the law of conservation of energy.


  • area under curve
  • model
  • graph
  • work
  • energy
  • gravitational potential energy
  • kinetic energy
  • elastic potential energy
  • thermal energy
  • sound energy
  • friction
  • force
  • velocity
  • mass
  • distance
  • law of conservation of energy
  • systems
  • work-energy theorem


Investigate collisions, both elastic and inelastic, to evaluate the effects on momentum and energy conservation.

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Planning and Carrying out Investigations

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models


Students know:
  • Kinetic energy, how to identify other forms of energy, and have a general understanding of the conservation of energy.
  • Momentum and have an understanding of the conservation of momentum.
  • The appropriate units of measure.
  • How to identify the system.


Students are able to:
  • Collect and organize experimental data.
  • Follow written and verbal instructions.
  • Make measurements of velocity and mass using standard units.
  • Effectively manipulate laboratory equipment.
  • Interpret graphical data.
  • Work safely in collaborative lab groups.
  • Manipulate equations.
  • Solve mathematical equations.


Students understand that:
  • Momentum and energy are always conserved.
  • Kinetic energy is conserved in elastic collisions, but is not conserved in inelastic collisions.


  • instant
  • interval
  • model
  • graph
  • position
  • velocity
  • displacement
  • distance
  • speed
  • kinematic equations
  • analyze
  • intercepts
  • vector
  • scalar
  • coordinates
  • origin
  • magnitude
  • units of measure
  • significant figures
  • friction
  • inertia
  • action-reaction
  • proportional
  • mass
  • system
  • momentum
  • impulse
  • kinetic energy
  • elastic
  • inelastic
  • collision
  • conservation
  • energy


Plan and carry out investigations to provide evidence that the first and second laws of thermodynamics relate work and heat transfers to the change in internal energy of a system with limits on the ability to do useful work (e.g., heat engine transforming heat at high temperature into mechanical energy and low-temperature waste heat, refrigerator absorbing heat from the cold reservoir and giving off heat to the hot reservoir with work being done).

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Developing and Using Models; Planning and Carrying out Investigations; Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models; Energy and Matter


Students know:
  • How to recognize open and closed systems.
  • How to utilize models for understanding.
  • Temperature scales and conversions.
  • How to perform graphical analysis.
  • The relationship between work and energy.
  • The difference between heat and temperature.
  • How to develop models.
  • The differences among conduction, convection and radiation.
  • How to use evidence to support an argument/claim.
  • How the second law of thermodynamics applies to entropy of an open system.
  • How the second law of thermodynamics applies to entropy of a closed system.


Students are able to:
  • Develop an appropriate experimental procedure.
  • Create a data sheet.
  • Collect and organize experimental data.
  • Follow written and verbal instructions.
  • Make measurements using standard units.
  • Manipulate laboratory equipment.
  • Work safely in collaborative lab groups.
  • Communicate results of research.
  • Manipulate equations.
  • Interpret graphical data.
  • Solve mathematical equations.
  • Develop models to illustrate a phenomenon.
  • Engage in scientific argumentation using valid evidence.


Students understand that:
  • Heat energy can be transferred in various ways and used to do work within the limits defined by the laws of thermodynamics.


  • model
  • thermodynamics
  • entropy
  • convection
  • conduction
  • radiation
  • scientific argumentation
  • open system
  • closed system
  • heat transfer
  • laws of thermodynamics
  • work
  • internal energy
  • temperature
  • heat
  • thermometer
  • thermal equilibrium
  • average kinetic energy
  • kinetic theory of matter
  • specific heat capacity
  • conservation of energy
  • thermal energy
  • thermal conductivity
  • heat exchanger
  • heat sink
  • heat reservoir
  • isovolumetric
  • isothermal
  • adiabatic
  • cyclic processes
  • heat engine
  • efficiency


Develop models to illustrate methods of heat transfer by conduction (e.g., an ice cube in water), convection (e.g., currents that transfer heat from the interior up to the surface), and radiation (e.g., an object in sunlight).


Investigate the nature of wave behavior to illustrate the concept of the superposition principle responsible for wave patterns, constructive and destructive interference, and standing waves (e.g., organ pipes, tuned exhaust systems).

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Planning and Carrying out Investigations

Crosscutting Concepts

Structure and Function


Students know:
  • The concept of the superposition principle.
  • The relationship among frequency, wavelength and speed.
  • The relationship between frequency and pitch.
  • The relationship between wavelength and color.


Students are able to:
  • Illustrate/model the concept of the superposition principle responsible for wave patterns.
  • Illustrate/model waveforms to show interference.
  • Illustrate/model waveforms to show standing waves.
  • Explore wave behavior.
  • Make predictions about wave behavior as applied to phenomena such as Doppler and SONAR.
  • Locate information from multiple sources.


Students understand that:
  • When waves interfere they form wave patterns predicted by the law of superposition.
  • Wave behavior, known as the Doppler Effect, can be used to determine the relative speed of objects producing or reflecting waves.


  • model
  • Doppler Effect
  • constructive interference
  • destructive interference
  • standing wave
  • superposition principle
  • wave
  • wave speed
  • frequency
  • period
  • speed of light
  • speed of sound
  • wavelength
  • medium
  • Red shift
  • ultrasound
  • crest
  • trough
  • amplitude
  • node
  • antinode
  • sound
  • mechanical
  • electromagnetic
  • compression
  • rarefaction
  • longitudinal


Obtain and evaluate information regarding technical devices to describe wave propagation of electromagnetic radiation and compare it to sound propagation. (e.g., wireless telephones, magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], microwave systems, Radio Detection and Ranging [RADAR], SONAR, ultrasound).

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Crosscutting Concepts

Cause and Effect


Students know:
  • How sound waves propagate.
  • How electromagnetic waves propagate.
  • General wave properties and wave behavior.


Students are able to:
  • Conduct research.
  • Evaluate the reliability of multiple sources.
  • Effectively communicate results of research by designated means.


Students understand that:
  • Waves are used in modern technologies to obtain and transfer information.


  • evaluate
  • model
  • Doppler Effect
  • constructive interference
  • destructive interference
  • standing wave
  • superposition principle
  • wave
  • wave speed
  • frequency
  • period
  • speed of light
  • speed of sound
  • wavelength
  • medium
  • Red shift
  • ultrasound
  • crest
  • trough
  • amplitude
  • electromagnetic spectrum
  • technical devices


Plan and carry out investigations that evaluate the mathematical explanations of light as related to optical systems (e.g., reflection, refraction, diffraction, intensity, polarization, Snell’s law, the inverse square law).

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Planning and Carrying out Investigations

Crosscutting Concepts

Cause and Effect


Students know:
  • How light interacts at boundaries of different media.
  • The wave properties of light.
  • Basic trigonometric equations.
  • How to do graphical analysis.
  • Inverse and inverse square relationships.
  • Types of images and how images are formed.
  • Appropriate units of measure.
  • How to identify a system.


Students are able to:
  • Develop an appropriate experimental procedure.
  • Create a data sheet.
  • Collect and organize experimental data.
  • Follow written and verbal instructions.
  • Make measurements using standard units.
  • Effectively manipulate laboratory equipment.
  • Work safely in collaborative lab groups.
  • Manipulate equations.
  • Interpret graphical data.
  • Solve mathematical equations.
  • Draw a light ray diagram and identify the location of an image.


Students understand that:
  • The behavior of light is predictable mathematically allowing the development of optical devices to improve vision macroscopically and microscopically.


  • medium
  • model
  • graph
  • image distance
  • object distance
  • focal point
  • magnification
  • critical angle
  • refraction
  • reflection
  • diffraction
  • interference
  • constructive interference
  • destructive interference
  • principal axis
  • center of curvature
  • intensity
  • inverse
  • angle of incidence
  • angle of reflection
  • angle of refraction
  • index of refraction
  • speed of light
  • system
  • velocity
  • polarization
  • minima
  • maxima
  • order
  • slit width
  • slit separation
  • object
  • image
  • real
  • virtual
  • inverted
  • erect
  • spherical aberration
  • chromatic aberration
  • total internal reflection
  • law of reflection
  • Snell's lLaw
  • prism
  • ray
  • concave
  • convex
  • plane
  • divergent
  • convergent
  • ray diagrams


Develop and use models to illustrate electric and magnetic fields, including how each is created (e.g., charging by either conduction or induction and polarizing; sketching field lines for situations such as point charges, a charged straight wire, or a current carrying wires such as solenoids; calculating the forces due to Coulomb’s laws), and predict the motion of charged particles in each field and the energy required to move a charge between two points in each field.

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Developing and Using Models

Crosscutting Concepts

Cause and Effect


Students know:
  • How to develop and use models.
  • Understanding of static electricity.
  • Phenomena of electric and magnetic fields.
  • How charges interact and how they behave in a field.
  • How fields interact.


Students are able to:
  • Properly use a voltmeter or mulimeter.
  • Develop and use models to make predictions and to illustrate explanations.


Students understand that:
  • Some forces act over a distance, creating fields.
  • The behavior of objects in a field is predictable and caused by interaction of fields and charged particles.


  • voltmeter
  • model
  • fields
  • field force
  • energy
  • potential energy
  • electric potential
  • electric charge
  • positive
  • negative
  • like
  • unlike
  • electric field strength
  • north and south magnetic poles
  • magnet
  • magnetic field strength
  • conduction
  • induction
  • charge
  • current
  • conductors
  • insulators
  • compass
  • multimeter
  • work
  • vector
  • point charge
  • test charge
  • Coulomb's law
  • proton
  • electron
  • attract
  • repel


Use the principles of Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws to design, construct, and analyze combination circuits using typical components (e.g., resistors, capacitors, diodes, sources of power).

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Crosscutting Concepts

Cause and Effect


Students know:
  • The color code for the resistance of resistors.
  • The basic principles of static electricity.
  • How to construct electrical circuits.
  • Several different components can be used to build an electrical circuit.


Students are able to:
  • Design and use models.
  • Develop an appropriate experimental procedure.
  • Create a data sheet.
  • Collect and organize experimental data.
  • Follow written and verbal instructions.
  • Make measurements using standard units.
  • Effectively manipulate laboratory equipment.
  • Work safely in collaborative lab groups.
  • Manipulate equations.
  • Interpret graphical data.
  • Solve mathematical equations.
  • Use a multimeter.


Students understand that:
  • Circuits are complete pathways through which current will flow predictably and will provide energy to the connected component(s).
  • Circuits may be simple or complex.


  • ammeter
  • voltmeter
  • series
  • parallel
  • model
  • Kirchhoff's laws
  • Ohm's law
  • resistance
  • current
  • electric potential
  • multimeter
  • positive
  • negative
  • electrical components
  • circuit
  • voltage source
  • conductors
  • resistor color code
  • circuit diagram
  • heat
  • charge
  • static electricity