Wonder Number Line

Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Subject Area





This lesson allows students to become familiar with a number line. Students can explore a number line and develop knowledge of numerical concepts. While it covers a 6th grade standard, this lesson can be used as part of a 7th or 8th grade lesson on integers.

This is a College- and Career-Ready Standards showcase lesson plan.

Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 6


Locate integers and other rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical line diagram.



  • Integers
  • Rational numbers
  • Horizontal line diagram
  • Vertical line diagram


Students know:
  • Strategies for creating number line models of rational numbers (marking off equal lengths by estimation or recursive halving).
  • Strategies for locating numbers on a number line.
  • Notation for positive and negative numbers and zero.


Students are able to:
  • Represent rational numbers and their opposites on a number line including both positive and negative quantities.
  • Explain and justify the creation of number lines and placement of rational numbers on a number line.
  • Explain the meaning of 0 in a variety of real-world contexts.


Students understand that:
  • Representing rational numbers on number lines requires using both a distance and a direction,
  • Locating numbers on a number line provides a representation of a mathematical context which aids in visualizing ideas and solving problems.

Primary Learning Objectives

I CAN create a number line with negative and positive numbers.

I CAN identify opposites on a number line.

I CAN define absolute value as the distance of a number from 0.



1. The teacher will show the trailer for Life Below Zero (linked above). After the video, the teacher will ask, "What temperatures did you hear or see on the video?" "What is the coldest temperature you have felt?"


2. The teacher will inform the students that the freezer in their home stays around 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The teacher will ask, "What do you notice about these temperatures that are below 0 degrees?" Ideal answer, "They are very cold." The teacher will then ask, "What is the difference between 125 degrees and -125 degrees?" Students will give responses, but the teacher must refrain from giving further information because of the investigation.

3. The teacher will inform the students they will be investigating numbers on both sides of 0 on a number line. 

4. The teacher will transition students in the Wonder Number Line investigative activity. (The teacher can instruct the students how to connect two sentence strips together, i.e. stapler, glue, or tape, but the rest of the activity should be investigative.) As the students are working, the teacher will act as a facilitator and coach. The teacher will use appropriate questioning to drive understanding of positive and negative number and absolute value.

5. Once adequate time (20-30 minutes, less time if using this in 7th and 8th grade) is given, the students will share their findings on the document camera. (If a document camera is not available, students may present their work in the front of the class, this is where the students would need chart paper). As the students are sharing, the teacher is acting as the facilitator and coach asking questions that drive ratio understanding. "How do you know ________?" "Can someone explain the thinking of your classmate?" "Did someone see this differently?" It is important that the teacher drives the discussion toward absolute value. The teacher will introduce absolute value as, "the distance of any number from 0." The teacher may also ask, "Can the absolute value of a number be negative?"


6. Students will complete an exit slip answering the question, "Think back to the Life Below Zero video, what is the difference between 150 degrees and -150 degrees?"




1. The teacher will show the trailer for Life Below Zero (linked above). After the video, the teacher will ask, "What temperatures did you hear or see on the video?" "What is the coldest temperature you have felt?"


2. The teacher will inform the students that the freezer in their home stays around 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The teacher will ask, "What do you notice about these temperatures that are below 0 degrees?" Ideal answer, "They are very cold." The teacher will then ask, "What is the difference between 125 degrees and -125 degrees?" Students will give responses, but the teacher must refrain from giving further information because of the investigation.

3. The teacher will inform the students they will be investigating numbers on both sides of 0 on a number line. 

4. The teacher will transition students in the Wonder Number Line investigative activity. (The teacher can instruct the students how to connect two sentence strips together, i.e. stapler, glue, or tape, but the rest of the activity should be investigative.) As the students are working, the teacher will act as a facilitator and coach. The teacher will use appropriate questioning to drive understanding of positive and negative number and absolute value.

5. Once adequate time (20-30 minutes, less time if using this in 7th and 8th grade) is given, the students will share their findings on the document camera. (If a document camera is not available, students may present their work in the front of the class, this is where the students would need chart paper). As the students are sharing, the teacher is acting as the facilitator and coach asking questions that drive ratio understanding. "How do you know ________?" "Can someone explain the thinking of your classmate?" "Did someone see this differently?" It is important that the teacher drives the discussion toward absolute value. The teacher will introduce absolute value as, "the distance of any number from 0." The teacher may also ask, "Can the absolute value of a number be negative?"


6. Students will complete an exit slip answering the question, "Think back to the Life Below Zero video, what is the difference between 150 degrees and -150 degrees?"

Assessment Strategies

Formal formative assessment: Exit Slip (Question is found in procedures)

Formal Assessment: Using the Investigative Activity Rubric (found in attachments) teacher will evaluate students' work.

Informal Formative Assessment: As the students are working, the teacher will act as the facilitator and coach. Teacher will ask questions to evaluate students (i.e. How do you know ______? What did you do to get that?) Teacher may pull small groups during investigation on a needs basis.


Using the number line that students created, the teacher can hold a multitude of mathematical conversations. Furthermore, in 7th and 8th grade this number line can be used to teach operations with integers.


During the investigative activity, the teacher may use questioning to evaluate students. From this questioning, the teacher can develop small groups to assist students with the activity and ensure understanding.

Total Duration

31 to 60 Minutes


The teacher must make the appropriate number of copies of the "Wonder Number Line" activity guide (found in attachments). Copies should be made so that students can work collaboratively.

Teacher must prepare the appropriate number of Math Toolboxes.

Teacher must ensure that the video of Life Below Zero trailer works in their classroom.

Students must have knowledge of number progression.

Materials and Resources

Blank sentence strips, Wonder Number Line activity guide (found in attachments), Math Toolbox which includes the following: pencil, paper, graph paper, markers, scissors, glue, calculator, sticky notes

Technology Resources Needed

Interactive Whiteboard (Optional) with required software, Document camera, projector, laptop or computer capable of showing videos