Who is the Greatest?

Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Subject Area





Students will gain more conceptual understanding of comparing 3-digit numbers. They will build numbers using base ten blocks and a hundreds chart and work with a partner to decide which number is greater. They will be making decisions about which place value to put the digits in to construct the greatest number.

This is a College- and Career-Ready Standards showcase lesson plan.

Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 2


Explain that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones.



  • Digit


Students know:
  • vocabulary of the structure of numbers (place value: ones, tens, hundreds, etc.).
  • patterns and regularities that exist in the place value system (ten ones make a ten, ten tens make a hundred, etc.).


Students are able to:
  • represent numbers using a variety of models (physical, visual, and symbolic).
  • explain the relationships among various representations and models of three-digit numbers.


Students understand that:
  • three digit numbers are made up of a variety of base ten representations.
  • one hundred can be thought of as one group of 100, ten groups of 10, or 100 ones.
Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 2


Compare two three-digit numbers based on the value of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and < and orally with the words “is greater than,” “is equal to,” and “is less than.”



  • Equalities
  • Inequalities


Students know:
  • how to compare 3-digit numbers using the terminology "greater than," "equal to," and "less than".


Students are able to:
  • compare 3-digit numbers using place value concepts.
  • justify their reasoning as they compare numbers.


Students understand that:
  • the three digits of a 3-digit number represent groups of hundreds, tens, and ones.

Primary Learning Objectives

Students will construct 3-digit numbers to make the greatest number by deciding what place value to assign each digit. Students will then compare two numbers to decide which number is greater. Students will use the correct symbol to show greater than, less than, or equal to.



1. Ask students if they would rather have $245 or $175. Explain to a partner why they chose their answer. Let students share their answers or what they discussed with their partner. Discuss the importance of being able to compare numbers. Have students think about times when they would need to compare numbers or quantities.

2. Review greater than >, less than <, and =. Show several examples and have students decide which symbol to place between the numbers.


1. Place students in pairs and give each pair a place value chart (attached), digit cards from http://www.mathwire.com/templates/digitcards.pdf, or use a set of playing cards (remove face cards and 10s and use aces as 1s), and base ten blocks (optional). Virtual base ten blocks can be found at  http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/grade_g_2.html.

2. Explain to students that the object of the game is to have the greatest 3-digit number.

3. Model playing the game with a student. Each player will draw 3 cards. The cards need to be arranged so that they make the greatest number possible. Do not let your partner see what you are doing. Students can build the number with the base ten blocks if they need a visual.

4. Students will then compare their numbers. The student with the greatest number will say "I am the greatest." That student will get a point. The student with the most points at the end of the playing time wins the game. They will use the recording sheet (attached) to keep track of points and to write comparisons using the symbols <,>, =.

5. After the game, ask the following questions: What strategy did you use when making your 3-digit number? Why did you use that strategy? Did anyone think about it a different way?



1. Ask students if they would rather have $245 or $175. Explain to a partner why they chose their answer. Let students share their answers or what they discussed with their partner. Discuss the importance of being able to compare numbers. Have students think about times when they would need to compare numbers or quantities.

2. Review greater than >, less than <, and =. Show several examples and have students decide which symbol to place between the numbers.


1. Place students in pairs and give each pair a place value chart (attached), digit cards from http://www.mathwire.com/templates/digitcards.pdf, or use a set of playing cards (remove face cards and 10s and use aces as 1s), and base ten blocks (optional). Virtual base ten blocks can be found at  http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/grade_g_2.html.

2. Explain to students that the object of the game is to have the greatest 3-digit number.

3. Model playing the game with a student. Each player will draw 3 cards. The cards need to be arranged so that they make the greatest number possible. Do not let your partner see what you are doing. Students can build the number with the base ten blocks if they need a visual.

4. Students will then compare their numbers. The student with the greatest number will say "I am the greatest." That student will get a point. The student with the most points at the end of the playing time wins the game. They will use the recording sheet (attached) to keep track of points and to write comparisons using the symbols <,>, =.

5. After the game, ask the following questions: What strategy did you use when making your 3-digit number? Why did you use that strategy? Did anyone think about it a different way?


Assessment Strategies

Write your name on an index card and do the following:

Make the greatest 3-digit number with the following digits: 4, 7, 6.

Then, make the smallest 3-digit number using those same digits.

Write the following and fill in the missing symbol:

465 ____ 556            326_____236     234_____234


Have students play the game again making 4-digit numbers.


For students who are struggling with comparing numbers, have them build 2-digit numbers with base ten blocks on a place value chart. As they start to grasp the concept, move back up to 3-digit numbers.

Total Duration

31 to 60 Minutes


Students should have knowledge of 3-digit numbers and place value. Students should be familiar with a place value chart and comparing numbers. This is an activity that could accompany a lesson on place value or comparing numbers.

Make sure links to digit cards and base ten blocks will open on your computer if you choose to use them.

Materials and Resources

sets of digit cards (attached) OR a set of playing cards per pair, base ten blocks (optional), recording sheet (attached), place value chart (attached)

Technology Resources Needed

Interactive whiteboard with virtual base ten blocks may be used (optional). To use the virtual base ten blocks you may need a Java update. Check to see if they work on your computer: http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/grade_g_2.html