How Much Does It Take?

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science




In this activity, students will compute real-world problems involving the volume of rectangular prisms. Students are provided models of rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths and asked to compute how many smaller prims with a given measure are needed to pack the model. They will compute volume measurements using two different methods. Students are provided a link to an online rectangular prism calculator to check their calculations. An answer key with detailed explanations is provided for this activity.

How Much Does It Take? Student Response Page


Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 6


Identify steps in developing solutions to complex problems using computational thinking.



  • computational thinking


Students know:
  • how to define the problem.
  • how to plan solutions.
  • how to implement a plan.
  • how to reflect on the results and process.
  • how to iterate through the process again.


Students are able to:
  • identify the steps involved with formulating problems and solutions in a way that can be represented or carried with or without a computer.


Students understand that:
  • computational thinking is formulating problems and solutions in a way that can be represented or carried out with or without a computer.
Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 6


Apply previous understanding of volume of right rectangular prisms to those with fractional edge lengths to solve real-world and mathematical problems.



  • Right rectangular prism
  • V = b h (Volume of a right rectangular prism = the area of the base x the height)


Students know:
  • Measurable attributes of objects, specifically volume.
  • Units of measurement, specifically unit cubes.
  • Relationships between unit cubes and corresponding cubes with unit fraction edge lengths.
  • Strategies for determining volume.
  • Strategies for finding products of fractions.


Students are able to:
  • Communicate the relationships between rectangular models of volume and multiplication problems.
  • Model the volume of rectangles using manipulatives.
  • Accurately measure volume using cubes with unit fraction edge lengths.
  • Strategically and fluently choose and apply strategies for finding products of fractions.
  • Accurately compute products of fractions.


Students understand that:
  • The volume of a solid object is measured by the number of same-size cubes that exactly fill the interior space of the object.
  • Generalized formulas for determining area and volume of shapes can be applied regardless of the level of accuracy of the shape's measurements (in this case, side lengths).

Learning Objectives

Students will solve volume problems of rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths.

Students will develop steps to solve complex problems using multiple methods.

Activity Details

Students will explore packing three-dimensional rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths. They will also calculate the volume of rectangular prisms using multiple methods. The link to an online rectangular prism calculator is available for students to check their calculations. Students are provided three real-world context problems and asked to solve how many smaller rectangular prisms of a given size can be packed into the larger rectangular prism model. Then students are challenged to solve the volume of the larger rectangular prism using two different methods. Most students will solve using the most common method V=lwh. At this point, the teacher should conduct a Think-Pair-Share with the class. Ask the students how there is another way they could solve for the volume of the larger rectangular prism using how many smaller prisms are needed to pack the larger prism. Have the students compare their results with a partner and decide what they would like to share back with the class. All students should have the same answers. An answer key is provided with detailed explanations of how to solve each step. Another variation of the lesson could be the teacher modeling problems 1 and 2, students work in pairs on problems 3 and 4, and students work independently on problems 5 and 6. Problems 3 and 4 are more difficult due to some conversion calculations needed to complete the problems. Students are also provided the link to an online rectangular prism calculator where they can check their calculations along the way.

Assessment Strategies

Students will complete an exit ticket explaining which method they preferred to use when finding the volume of the larger rectangular prism.

Review the student response page to ensure the student identified the proper steps needed to solve the problem and mathematically solved the problem correctly.

Variation Tips

To expand student’s understanding, have students work in groups to write their own word problems including fractional edge lengths. They can exchange problems with classmates to solve.

Background / Preparation

Students will need to know how to compute the volume of rectangular prisms.

Visit the digital tool rectangular prism calculator to become familiar with how to use the tool. 

Students will need online access to the digital tool rectangular prisms calculator.

Copy the “How Much Does It Take?” student response page.