Interactive Quadrilaterals

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





In this interactive math activity from Math is Fun, students are able to "play" with quadrilaterals to get a better understanding of the properties associated with each type of quadrilateral. The interactive creates a visual representation of the properties that describe each type of quadrilateral (parallelogram, square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, and kite). Students can change the angles and sides, but the attributes of the selected quadrilateral will always remain prominent allowing students to easily recognize the properties of each quadrilateral.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 4


Identify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size.



  • Two-dimensional figure
  • Parallel lines
  • Perpendicular lines
  • Angle
  • Right triangle


Students know:
  • Two lines are parallel if they never intersect and are an equal distance apart.
  • Two lines are perpendicular if they are at right angles to each other.
  • A right triangle is a triangle that has one right angle.


Students are able to:
  • Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines.
  • Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of angles of a specified size.
  • Identify right triangles.


Students understand that:
  • shapes are categorized based on attributes they possess in common such as angle size, side length, side relationships (parallel and perpendicular).

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to classify two-dimensional figures based on angle sizes or the presence of parallel and/or perpendicular lines and congruency.

Activity Details

Provide the students with a link to the website Interactive Quadrilaterals from Math is Fun. The class will read the properties of quadrilaterals aloud together from the website while students add the properties to their Who Am I? Quadrilaterals Classification Sheet.

Then, the teacher will explain the directions on how to use the Interactive Quadrilaterals digital tool and allow students enough time to explore the interactive. Students can choose a quadrilateral (parallelogram, square, triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, kite, or rectangle) and illustrate its properties by clicking on a point to squish, stretch, rotate, twist, etc. the angles, and/or sides.

The interactive tool will accommodate each movement and adjust the quadrilateral to maintain the correct properties. This will create a visual representation of each quadrilateral's properties for students.

Students will then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the quiz questions in the section titled YOOO TOOO. Students should complete all ten questions in this section for their assessment.

Assessment Strategies

The ten questions in the section titled YOOO TOOO will be used as an assessment tool to check for mastery of the standard.

Variation Tips

This activity can be used as a whole class activity on an interactive whiteboard or as an individual activity.

Background / Preparation

Internet-connected devices will be needed to use the digital tool. Math is Fun is a free website. 

The teacher will need to make copies of the Who Am I? Quadrilaterals Classification sheet prior to the lesson (one per student). Link to the teacher's key.