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Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Children in the Shadows: Creating a Holocaust Remembrance Tile

Subject Area

Social Studies




Students will view images of the Children's Tile Wall from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Students will learn about the meaning and creation of the wall by visiting the museum's website. Finally, students will create their own Holocaust Remembrance Tile that will illustrate the horrors young people faced during the Holocaust. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit. 

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 6


    Identify causes and consequences of World War II and reasons for the United States’ entry into the war.

    Unpacked Content



    • consequences
    • Allies
    • Axis Powers
    • World War II
    • Pearl Harbor
    • Battle of Normandy
    • Battle of Stalingrad
    • Battle of Midway
    • Battle of the Bulge
    • Atomic Bomb
    • Holocaust


    Students know:
    • How to identify the causes and consequences of WWII and what led to U.S. involvement in WWII.


    Students are able to:
    • Recognize relationships among people and places by locating historical events on a map.
    • Cite evidence to support historical events using primary and secondary sources.
    • Describe how world events contribute to international conflict.
    • Examine the contributions of significant individuals and/or groups, and their role in WWII.


    Students understand that:
    • There were many causes and consequences of WWII and the motivations for American involvement in this war.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will be able to describe the human costs of World War II by creating Remembrance Tiles to memorialize the individuals who lost their lives during the Holocaust. 

    Activity Details

    1. Students will view an image of the Children's Tile Wall located in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 

    2. Students will view the FAQ page from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to learn about the meaning and creation of the Children's Tile Wall (view FAQ #10). 

    3. Tell students they will be creating a Holocaust Remembrance Tile to memorialize the children who experienced the horrors of the Holocaust. Students can use the image of the Children's Tile Wall as inspiration. 

    4. Give students a copy of the Holocaust Tile Template and give students time to illustrate their tile with symbols of the Holocaust (i.e. Star of David, striped pajamas, etc.). If desired, the teacher can allow students to look up additional ideas on the internet. (See note regarding a related before activity in the "Advanced Preparation" section, if students need background information about the Holocaust.)

    5. On the back of the tile, have students write at least one human cost of the Holocaust (i.e. how were Jewish people affected during the Holocaust).

    6. Have students cut out their completed tile and assemble the class's tiles into a Remembrance Wall for display in the classroom or hallway. Note: The International Holocaust Remembrance Day is January 27.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    To assess student mastery of the standard, view each student's Holocaust Remembrance Tile. Be sure the student included images that represent the horrors of the Holocaust as well as at least one statement regarding the human cost of the Holocaust. 

    Variation Tips

    For additional information about the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, students can visit this website: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher will need to print a copy of the Holocaust Tile template for each student. The students will need art supplies (colored pencils/crayons/markers) and scissors. If the teacher has access to art supplies, students could actually paint a ceramic tile. 

    If students require prior knowledge of the Holocaust, the teacher can present the corresponding before activity, prior to the implementation of this after activity:

    Children in the Shadows: The Human Costs of World War II

    Digital Tools / Resources