Animating Angles

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





ChatterPix Kids is a fun, kid friendly app for the iPad and iPhone that can be used to enhance a geometry lesson on angles. Students will choose an angle (right, straight, obtuse, or acute), draw the angle on the graph, color it.  Students will identify a real-world object with the same angle attributes, take a picture, and draw a line on the picture for a mouth. Then, students will record their voice giving the measurement of their angle and relate their angle to one real-world object identifying common attributes such as; angle size, side length, side relationships. In this activity, students can work collaboratively in pairs or alone.

This learning activity was created as a result of the Girls Engaged in Math and Science University, GEMS-U Project.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 4


Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines, and identify these in two-dimensional figures.



  • Point
  • Line
  • Line segment
  • Ray
  • Right angle
  • Acute angle
  • Obtuse angle
  • Perpendicular lines
  • Parallel lines
  • Two dimensional figure
  • Vertex
  • Angle measure


Students know:
  • defining characteristics of geometric figures, such as points, lines, line segments, angles (right, acute, and obtuse), parallel lines, and perpendicular lines.


Students are able to:
  • Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse).
  • Draw parallel and perpendicular lines.
  • Identify points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines in two-dimensional figures.


Students understand that:
  • points, lines, line segments, angles (right, acute, and obtuse), parallel lines, and perpendicular lines are defining characteristics of two dimensional shapes.

Learning Objectives

After this learning activity, the students will be able to...

  • draw an angle (right, acute, obtuse, or straight).
  • relate the angle to a real-world object.

Activity Details

  1. Divide students into collaborative groups.
  2. Students will choose the type of angle they wish to animate (straight, obtuse, right, or acute).
  3. Using the graph paper and a protractor, the students will draw a picture of the angle they chose and color it using the markers or crayons.
  4. Have students tour the school to locate/identify a real-world object with similar angle attributes as their drawing, such as angle size, side length, side relationships.
  5. Students will then take a picture of the real-world object related to the sketched angle using their iPad or iPhone and the ChatterPix Kids app.
  6. The students will draw a line across their angles on ChatterPix Kids app using their finger to make a mouth.
  7. They can then record their voice for 30 seconds. They will briefly give the name of their angle and identify the real-world object they located with the same angle attributes such as; angle size, side length, side relationships.
  8. Students will share their ChatterPix with the class.

Assessment Strategies

The teacher can assess the students using a rubric.

Evaluate the ChatterPix picture to determine if students were able to:

  • draw an angle (right, acute, obtuse, or straight).
  • relate the angle to a real-world object.

Variation Tips

This activity can be completed individually, as partners, or in small groups.

Background / Preparation

If the teacher is not familiar with the ChatterPix Kids, he or she might want to take the time to play with the app before class time.

Teacher Preparation:  

Place the students in pairs with one internet connected iPad or iPhone for each pair of students, distribute a sheet of graph paper (one for each pair of students), markers or crayons.  

Set aside time to walk around the school to locate angles.