Interpret data in graphs (picture, bar, and line plots) to solve problems using numbers and operations.
Interpret data in graphs (picture, bar, and line plots) to solve problems using numbers and operations.
Unpacked Content
- Interpret
- Data
- Picture graph
- Bar graph
- Line plot
- Data set
- Scale
- Frequency
- Key
- Partition
- how toMeasure objects to the nearest half, quarter, and eighth of an inch.
- Partition a number line to show halves, fourths, and eighths.
- Interpret data displayed in graphs to solve problems related to the data set.
- Interpret data in graphs (picture, bar, and line plots) to solve problems using numbers and operations.
- Create a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8).
- Interpret data in line plots to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.
Note: Students need to mark the line plot in eighths to use equivalence with common denominators of eighths before adding or subtracting with data set.
- data can be collected, organized and analyzed in data displays to generate and answer questions related to the context of the data.